Works in Progress

Consumption Smoothing and Political Representation of Minorities

Low-income households in developing economies face disproportionate income risks and limited means to smooth consumption. Using ethnic quotas for presidencies in Indian village council elections, I examine whether political representation of marginalized minority communities help smooth consumption after they experience aggregate income shocks. I find evidence of targeted redistribution of some welfare goods but no evidence of positive consumption smoothing outcomes for minority households when the elected village council president is from the same community.

Low Tax, Low Gain: Firm-Level Effects of India’s 2019 Corporate Income Tax Cut
(with Emilia Ozan)

India reduced its corporate income tax from 30% to 22% in 2019 in the hope of spurring growth and investment outcomes. In this study, we test the effect of this policy on firm-level outcomes. We find that the statutory tax rates for firms fell noticeably but the windfall gains have not shown up as higher investments or payments to shareholders or employees.